Showing posts with label Books Read. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Books Read. Show all posts

Sunday, March 30, 2014

. . . On Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. It is now considered a classic by many, particularly by fans of the series. First published in 1991, the book is really a mixture of genres: historical fiction, romance, action/adventure and science fiction/fantasy. Regardless, it won the Romance Writer's of America RITA Award of that year and rightly so. Outlander is all those things, but first and foremost it focuses on the passionate and all-consuming romance that develops between Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp Randall and James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser, or Claire and Jamie.

Throughout the past decades, I've read most of the Outlander series, from Dragonfly in Amber (Book#2, 1992) through A Breath of Snow and Ashes (2005), but I never read Outlander. I began with the second book, read forward, and decided to save Outlander for the end so I could reread the whole series at once! Was that ambitious or what? In 2011 when Nath visited me for the first time, she noticed those enormous Gabaldon books on my shelves and asked if I was a fan. That's when I told her my story. Before going back to Canada, she surprised me with an anniversary copy of Outlander! Still, stubborn as I am, I did not read it. With the upcoming release of the mini-series, however, I decided it was time. Sigh . . . I want to watch it!

Catriona Balfe as Claire Randall
I absolutely loved Voyager! That book hooked me on the series. I followed the story quite well, with much of the background information given at some point during other books in the series. But, what I didn't know, of course, is that I missed so many of the little details that begin in Outlander and that Gabaldon carries throughout the series -- introduction of characters, small intimacies, moments that are later referred to, but that don't have the same emotional impact unless read first hand. I missed out on the young, virginal Jamie asking all those shy/bold questions of the older, sexually experienced Claire. Those wonderful, intimate moments rendered by Gabaldon as the two get to know each other and fall in love -- the laughter and the pain, the craziness, the quiet evenings and perennial lust, the bickering and fights.
Sam Heughan as Jamie Fraser

Jamie and Claire's adventures are fantastic. They are not only filled with action, but with historical facts and political intrigue that plagued Scotland in 1745. It not only includes the intricacies of clan politics, in this case the MacKenzie and Fraser clans, but also with secret plans for the Jacobite uprising. Gabaldon's details of day to day life as part of an18th Century Scottish clan with all the restrictions, dangers, ignorance and superstitions, are fascinating. As in the rest of the books in this series, the best aspect of reading this information is that the reader mostly views events through Claire's 20th Century eyes. Although she's from another era, 1945, Claire often echoes the reader's thoughts.

I also missed a lot about Frank Randall, Claire's 20th Century husband. There are obvious reasons why I didn't like Frank in Voyager. In Outlander, however, Frank and Claire seem to be a couple happily trying to grow closer after a long separation that occurred during WW II when Claire served as a combat nurse and Frank, now a professor and historian, as some sort of spook soldier.

Tobias Menzies as Frank Randall
Claire accidentally travels back in time to the 18th Century, meets Jamie and basically commits bigamy by marrying him -- admittedly under duress -- and adultery when their marriage is joyfully consummated. However, she spends most of the time confused, attempting to get back to her time and to husband Frank. This even as her feelings for Jamie grow and change.

There are a few points of interest in how Gabaldon deconstructs Frank's character and in the way that Claire and the reader eventually come to perceive the man.

1) Gabaldon begins by making Frank a good, but somewhat distant man whom Claire is obviously fond of but whose personality and personal interests seem to bore her.
2) Gabaldon also plants a small seed of doubt about Frank's fidelity before Claire goes back in time.
3) In 1745, Gabaldon uses Frank's ancestor Jack Randall to slowly vilify Frank by proxy. She achieves this by giving Jack not only Frank's face but his smile and mannerisms.
4) Black Jack Randall is portrayed as an evil, out of control, sadistic English sodomite with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. A revolting man who not only nauseates Claire, but often  confuses/throws her off because of that "Jack/Frank" face, smile, look.
5) By the time Claire makes her final decision to stay and/or return to her own time, who really wants her to go back to a Frank who may or may not be a cheating ass? A Frank who was engendered by an abusive monster like Jack Randall? I know I didn't! Interesting and fascinating developments.
Tobias Menzies as "Black" Jack Randall

Claire lies and attempts to blend in are sometimes good but often get her and those around her in trouble. She has medical experience as well as some general historical knowledge, but her forward attitude as a 20th Century woman dropped in the middle of the 18th Century is what really singles her out. And lets just say that although Claire is a survivor, she is also a poor liar. To my surprise, I found that I like the older Claire much more than the Claire of Outlander -- there's a lot of measurable growth to this character throughout the series.

Jamie is straight forward and impulsive which also tends to get him and others in all kinds of trouble. He has the heart of a hero, even though he constantly negates this and often says that he's just doing what needs to be done. He's adorably charming, hardheaded, a man of his times whose open mindedness and intelligence make him the perfect candidate for learning.

Case in point, the now famous (or is it infamous?) scene where Jamie spanks Claire with his sword belt after she disobeys his orders and almost ends up raped and/or killed, also placing Jamie and his men in danger. "The beating scene." Knowing Claire's character and Jamie's relationship with Claire from the other books in the series, I remember being surprised the first time I heard about THE scene. Frankly, I expected her to clobber him over the head with a 2x4 or with a full chamber pot -- she fights him, but unfortunately that doesn't happen.
"Well, I'll tell ye, lass, I doubt you've much to say about it. You're my wife, like it or not. Did I want to break your arm, or feed ye naught but bread and water, or lock ye in a closet for days---and don't think ye don't tempt me, either---I could do that, let alone warm your bum for you."
Jamie believes that corporal punishment of his wife is not only acceptable but expected -- a man of his times. However, he learns that this behavior is not acceptable to Claire -- and at that point he becomes a man open to change going against upbringing and culture. This is a disturbing scene, but I believe it is one that accurately portrays how things would have turned out in that situation during that place and time in history. Actually, corporal punishment takes place widely and often in Outlander, not just to "punish" women/wives, but to discipline children, to keep clan members loyal and true, and ultimately as torture.

Claire and Jamie
If Gabaldon portrays those violent times with disturbing frequency and uncomfortable accuracy, she also makes time for detailed intimacy. Gabaldon writes intimate moments like no one else. Moments that are hard to forget. In Outlander I loved the beautiful days and nights that Jamie and Claire spend at Jamie's family estate of Lallybroch with the family. The chapters have wonderful names and give an idea of what goes on: The Laird's Return, Kisses and Drawers, More Honesty, Conversations by the Hearth, Quarter Day, Hard Labor.
"Hearing the rustle of footsteps approaching through the grass, I turned, expecting to see Jenny or Mrs. Crook come to call me to supper. Instead it was Jamie, hair spiked with dampness from his pre dinner ablutions, still in his shirt, knotted together between his legs for working in the fields. He came up behind me and put his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. Together we watched the sun sinking behind the pines, robed in gold and purple glory. The landscape faded quietly around us, but we stayed where we were, wrapped in contentment." Chapter 32 -- Hard Labor
In Outlander I also found the kind of secondary characters you love to hate and others you hate to love. I loved hating Black Jack Randall with a passion! I wanted someone to slowly strip his skin off with a rusty knife! On the other hand, I had a soft spot for Dougal MacKenzie and kept thinking that under other circumstances he would make a fantastic central character. I hated loving him on the pages of Outlander, but for some weird reason I did.

This is a fantastic, highly addictive series! There's the delicious romance, yes, but there's also all that action, adventure, history, fantastic characterization, and Gabaldon's amazing gift for portraying intimacy in the midst of chaos. I read Outlander this past week and immediately picked up my favorite Voyager to reread, finished it, and am already eyeing Drums of Autumn! Ohhh… no! Highly. Addictive.

If you haven't done so, check out the latest information, pictures, and teasers about the upcoming mini-series here.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Completing: The 2014 Sci-Fi Experience & The Vintage Sci-Fi Month

The 2014 Sci-Fi Experience

The 2014 Science Fiction Experience hosted by science fiction enthusiast Carl V from Stainless Steel Droppings ends today. As always I had a wonderful time reading fantastic books and discovering a few new-to-me authors, although it seems that every year I end up wishing for just one more month to read all the books in my list.

My main goal this year was to read a couple of books by Ursula K. Le Guin, and although I didn't get to The Dispossessed, I did finish one novel and one large collection of short stories. I'm happy with the results.

Here's a list of all reviews and related posts:

Spotlight: Ursula K. Le Guin & The Hainish Cycle Series
The Kassa Gambit by M.C. Planck
The Birthday of the World: and Other Stories by Ursula K. Le Guin
Favorite Books of 2013 (includes Sci-Fi/Fiction/Urban Fantasy/Speculative Fiction)
Mini-Review: Tenth of December by George Saunders
SF Movies: Elysium & Oblivion
2014 Most Anticipated Books: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Urban Fantasy
Ancillary Justice (Imperial Radch #1) by Ann Leckie
The Left Hand of Darkness (Hainish Cycle #4) by Usula K. Le Guin

Read not reviewed:
Fortune's Pawn (Paradox #1) by Rachel Bach -- Late review.
ASIMOV'S SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE - February 1, 2014 Edition: Short Stories: "Ball and Chain" by Maggie Shen King, "Last Day at the Ice Man Cafe" by M. Bennardo, "The Transdimensional Horsemaster Rabbis of Mpumalanga Province" by Sarah Pinsker, and "Ask Citizen Etiquette" by Marissa Lingen

The Vintage Science Fiction Month

Also ending today is The Vintage Science Fiction Month hosted by The Little Red Reviewer. 

Unfortunately, as you will see below, my participation this year was pathetic. My reading "mood" shifted at the wrong time toward more recent releases and my stack of oldies but goodies is basically intact. However, as I mention above, my goal this year was to explore works by Ursula K. Le Guin, and the one (yes, one!) review posted is by this author.

Book Review*:
The Left Hand of Darkness (Hainish Cycle #4) by Usula K. Le Guin

*Related Post (although posted in December, it is related to the author, series & book)
Spotlight: Ursula K. Le Guin & The Hainish Cycle Series

Until next year!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Oldies But Goodies: Dorothy Eden, where do I begin?

I love reading romance during the summer, so I'm happy to report that I'm finally back on the old romance reading horse. I've read a few these past few weeks, True to the Law by Jo Goodman, Kentucky Home by Sarah Title, The Notorious Rake and The Counterfeit Bride by Mary Balogh, Twice Loved and Years (a favorite and a reread) by Lavyrle Spencer, Beach House Beginnings (Beach House No.9) by Christie Ridgway, and Love Irresistibly by Julie James. Yes, I am on a romance reading tear and hope to continue!

As you can see there are four older romance titles in my list of books above. I love mixing older titles and classic authors with newer talent and/or the latest releases. I find that it keeps my romance reading fresh while I catch up with well... the "history" of romance, compare different writing styles and experience how tropes within romance have evolved throughout the years. And, I love discovering great books and/or authors whose works I missed along the way. This method of mixing older titles with new releases has been working for me for years.

Although I cut my romance reading teeth reading works by authors like Rosemary Rogers, Woodwiss and Kinsale, Nora Roberts, Krentz, McNaught, Deveraux, and Sandra Brown, I didn't read works by Lavyrle Spencer or Pamela Morsi until 2010! And I still haven't picked up anything by Maggie Osborne and many others. You see what I mean? I've missed so much goodness. This is one reason I love that so many of the older classics, no longer available or hard to find in print, are now available or being made available in digital format. So the following announcement immediately snagged my attention:

Open Road Media just released digital editions or ebooks of 14 novels by the author Dorothy Eden. I looked up the author's biography and wondered if this was another case of missing out on more of that goodness I mention above, but this time in the gothic romance, romance suspense, and historical fiction categories. Click on link to see complete list of titles.
Dorothy Eden (1912–1982) was the internationally acclaimed author of more than forty bestselling gothic, romantic suspense, and historical novels. Born in New Zealand, where she attended school and worked as a legal secretary, she moved to London in 1954 and continued to write prolifically. Eden’s novels are known for their suspenseful, spellbinding plots, finely drawn characters, authentic historical detail, and often a hint of spookiness. Her novel of pioneer life in Australia, The Vines of Yarrabee, spent four months on the New York Times bestseller list. Her gothic historical novels Ravenscroft, Darkwater, and Winterwood are considered by critics and readers alike to be classics of the genre.
I've never read a book by Dorothy Eden. Have you?

Where do I begin exploring? If you have read Dorothy Eden's works, which book do you recommend? If you haven't, where would you begin?