Here are a couple of contemporary SFF releases and three of those classics we've been discussing this month that I purchased for my eReader:
Some of The Best From 2012 edited by Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Liz Gorinsky, David G. Hartwell
A collection of some of the best 2012 original short fiction published by Authors: Elizabeth Bear, Adam Troy Castro, Paul Cornell, Kathryn Cramer, Brit Mandelo, Pat Murphy, Charles Stross, Michael Swanwick, Rachel Swirsky, and Gene Wolfe.
What I'm loving about how this collection is formatted is that each individual story has its own cover page with original art, title page, table of contents, and then the story. It individualizes every single book. And of course the fact that this collection is free! Price: $0.00
Gods of Risk (Expanse #2.5) by James S.A. Corey
If you are reading and love The Expanse space opera by James S.A. Corey the way I do, then you probably already read The Butcher of Anderson County (Expanse #1.5). But just in case you have not, it is available for $1.99 for your eReader. And as an aside, I love every cover in this series so far... including those used for the novellas.
As tension between Mars and Earth mounts, and terrorism plagues the Martian city of Londres Nova, sixteen-year-old David Draper is fighting his own lonely war. A gifted chemist vying for a place at the university, David leads a secret life as a manufacturer for a ruthless drug dealer. When his friend Leelee goes missing, leaving signs of the dealer's involvement, David takes it upon himself to save her. But first he must shake his aunt Bobbie Draper, an ex-marine who has been set adrift in her own life after a mysterious series of events nobody is talking about.Gods of Risk - Price: $2.99
Sargasso of Space by Andre Norton
Almost half a century ago, renowned science fiction and fantasy author Andre Norton introduced apprentice cargo master Dane Thorson in Sargasso of Space and Plague Ship.
This is a wonderful beginning to the Solar Queen series, and I'm very glad that it is available in digital format. Some of these books are next to impossible to find in print format! I already read and reviewed this book (you can read it here). Price: $3.99
Visions of Distant Shores: An Andre Norton Collection
This is a great buy, particularly because it contains seven Andre Norton novels in one volume. I just believe that even if there is one book out of the seven that you love, it is worth the price. I'm sure there will be more than one good one in there, though. I already read Storm Over Warlock from this collection. Following is the content:
"Storm Over Warlock"
"Star Born"
"Star Hunter"
"Plague Ship (Star Queen #2)"
"Voodoo Planet (Star Queen #3)"
"The Gifts of Asti"
"The People of the Crater"
Price: $0.99 cents
The Best of Phillip K. Dick (Unexpurgated Edition) (Halcyon Classics Series)With eleven of Philip K. Dick's best short stories in this collection, there is no question that this a win-win! Here's the content:
"Beyond the Door"
"Beyond Lies the Wub"
"The Crystal Crypt"
"The Defenders"
"The Gun"
"The Skull"
"The Eyes Have it"
"Second Variety"
"The Variable Man"
"Mr. Spaceship"
"Piper in the Woods"
Price: $1.99
I have more in my eReader, particularly from the Halcyon Classics Series, but I don't want this post to go on forever. Note that with the exception of Andre Norton's Vision of Distant Shores, the rest are short stories or novellas. If you prefer to hunt for those old classics in used book stores, great! I do too! But, if you can't find them... it is great to know some of them continue to be available to new readers in digital format.