Showing posts with label Susan Andersen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Susan Andersen. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I'm back! Minis & Updates: Susan Fox, Susan Andersen, Cara Dee, Amy Lane

Hey, I'm back! I wasn't on vacation or anything, instead I pulled a back muscle and was bedridden for over a week taking pain medication. Not fun. I couldn't sit up long enough to blog, and for a while couldn't stay awake long enough to really concentrate on fresh reading. I missed Wendy's TBR Challenge read and review this month! First time for me, sigh... But, I did get to do some light reading toward the end of the week and reread some favorite short M/M romances.

I've been trying to write some minis and reviews for books I read earlier this month. Some of them are memorable, and frankly it is a shame but some of them just turned out to be quite forgettable!

Home on the Range (Caribou Crossings #2) by Susan Fox

This contemporary western romance is memorable to me for its Canadian Western setting and wonderful atmosphere. It IS different and as it turned out, an absolute treat for me. The fact that the romance takes place on a horse ranch in the fictional small town of Caribou Crossing, which has a history rich with lore about the olden Gold Rush mining days also made it a winner. The gorgeous landscape and horses as described by Fox serve as the perfect background for the romance that blooms between childhood best friends Evan Kincade and Jess Bly Cousins years after they last saw each other.

There is a lot going on in this romance, and a few overused tropes used to achieve that lasting happy ever after for Evan and Jess: the old friends to lovers, the secret child, and one more that I won't give away. So, yes, there is a sense of predictability to the story. However, what is not predictable is that conflicts and struggles are more internal than external as the characters deal with their feelings for each other and personal issues, so that in the process there is measurable character growth. This applies to Evan in particular who in the beginning comes off as a bit of a jackass.

The conflict is internal for Evan, it has to do with his upbringing and his lack of love as a child. His abusive childhood, a subject that is well rendered by Fox. For Jess, there is no conflict when it comes to the love she feels for Evan, only when it comes to her lie. In this, I found Evan to be much more willing to be upfront about his feelings, more sincere about his complex and hard-won growth. Jess on the other hand is much more protective of what she has, even though on the surface she comes off as more giving and forgiving. Thankfully, the old friendship and warmth between Evan and Jess comes through for them. They make a good team and a great, passionate couple. I was so glad they finally found happiness together. (Zebra, August 6, 2013) Grade: B-

Some Like It Hot by Susan Andersen

I either really like or enjoy Susan Andersen's romances, or I have a problem with her characters. In the case of Some Like It Hot, my problem is different. Here are my thoughts as posted on Goodreads:
It's a bad thing when I end up remembering the brothers' relationship more than the romance. A contemporary romance enjoyable for Max and his brother's backstory and the intriguing ending, but with a rather forgettable romance.

Susan Andersen's romances are a hit and miss for me. This book is an obvious miss.
Please note that I read this contemporary romance in August! (Harlequin, July 30, 2013) Grade D+

Aftermath by Cara Dee

This is a new-to-me author and I believe new to the M/M romance genre. Here are my initial impressions:
Interesting and creative approach to the "gay for you" trope. It's so well done that the reader may miss it. A tale of survival, bonding through violent events and finding love in the most unexpected of places and between the most unlikely people.

The author begins the story in the present, and relates the violent events that brought the main characters together by using PTSD flashback episodes. These are necessary to tell the complete story, but also serve to establish the relationship between the two men. I'm not a fan of flashbacks, but in this case they worked for me.

There is a strong bond and a tenderness between the main characters that is touching. There is also a slow buildup to passion that works well. The relationship development is not without conflict, the strongest being their own struggle to survive the recent violence and how it changed them. Other conflicts such as Austin's prior relationships and commitments are not as well addressed.

Overall, a solid read and romance with graphic violence, a psycho, PTSD, loving moments, hot sexy scenes, and a sweeter HEA than expected.
Aftermath was recommended to me while browsing through amazon and it sounded interesting so I picked it up. It's a good thing because in quite a few levels, it worked for me. Please note that despite what you may think when you look at the cover, there is no BDSM incorporated in the storyline. (Amazon Digital, August 6, 2013) Grade: B

Left on St. Truth-be-Well by Amy Lane

Continuing with M/M Romance reads, I enjoyed Left on St. Truth-be-Well by Amy Lane. Lane is an author whose works I have not explored extensively because they tend to be a bit angsty and I have to be in the mood. I'm pretty sure the only other book I've read by Lane so far is Sidecar. Yet this romance is totally different, not angsty or deep in any way, shape or form -- just what I needed this past weekend. Instead this piece set in sunny Florida is a short, light, amusing, hot read by Amy Lane with endearing sexy characters, a fabulous little mystery and enough crazy moments to make it fun. That is it! A quick read, perfect for a summer afternoon.

COMMENTARY: I did not read this little piece as a serious crime suspense, but as a crazy little piece of insanity that led to two people finding each other. So my warning is: if you read this piece as a serious crime mystery, it won't work. So just enjoy the insanity! (Dreamspinner Press, July 23, 2013) Grade: B-


These are just a few of the books I read. Quite a few more M/M Romances actually, some that have been in my TBR for a long, long time like Strawberries for Dessert by Marie Sexton and Cut & Run by Abigail Roux and Madeline Urban, but I also finished Summer Lovin' with JL Merrow, Chrissy Munder, Clare London and Josephine Myles and while I couldn't concentrate because of those pain pills, other short rereads. I'll come back with more minis later. It's good to be back!

OMENS by Kelly Armstrong
CARNIEPUNK Anthology (still)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Minis: Jeffrey Ricker, Leslie Kelly, Susan Andersen, Pamela Morsi

Is everyone else overwhelmed this December? I am. It seems as if there's no time left for breathing, let alone reading or blogging. Business and the holidays -- a crazy combination. I am getting ready to go on vacation. One more week to go, and then ten whole days off! Hopefully during that time, I will have time to read all those books I planned to read and that I piled up on my table. But enough whining already!

Again, this week I began reading a couple of books and have not been able to finish them. It has been frustrating! A frustrating month. I don't even have a review ready today... sigh. So I figured I would give you an idea of what I've read so far this month which totals five whole books! (ETA: Guess I wasn't done whining)

  • I began the month on a high note by reading Jeffrey Ricker's  gay fiction debut novel Detours. This story is rather interesting in that it begins with the main character saying a hopeful good bye to the man who might be the love of his life two weeks after they meet, only to go home and become involved with another man right after he finds out that his mother died unexpectedly. From there the story really becomes a kind of road trip where this character comes to terms with his life, past and future, as well as his mother's passing, all while accompanied by his mother's ghost. Detours turned out to be engrossing, amusing, and in many ways deeply moving. 
  • Gears changed when the month became complicated and I picked up Terms of Surrender by Leslie Kelly. This is a Blaze and as such it's up there on the hot sexin' scale. I enjoyed it up to a certain point, but there were too many circumstances where plausibility became a problem. Marissa is a psychologist, an anonymous blogger on the side and a published author. She gets a job as a lecturer on an Air Force base and falls for Danny, a man who she thinks is a mechanic but turns out to be a pilot. There's the misunderstanding trope, the baggage, and the "I hate what you do for a living, but I'll do you anyway" theme going on in this book. These two were ripping their clothes off all over the base and everywhere else, but... Mari still had a problem with Danny's job, not the man himself. The story had its moments, but that's about all I can say. 
  • Then I decided to continue hitting my contemporary "to be read pile" and read Bending the Rules by Susan Andersen. I loved Playing Dirty, the third book in this contemporary trilogy, but unfortunately I had problems with this book. Let's see, I like the premise of the story itself, where Poppy and Jason's romance grows while they help unruly teenage "taggers" pay for bad behavior by working in a community project. It's one of those romances that begins with lots of suppressed heat that comes off as hostility and eventually it turns into hot steam. Why the problem then? A couple of problems with the characters themselves, beginning with Jason who calls Poppy the "Babe" from beginning to end. This irked me to no end! I'm sorry, but he really comes off as a chauvinist pig, insecure or not (he carries tons of personal baggage and doesn't think he's good enough for her). Then Poppy goes around feeling "diminished by him" but still allows him to run over her, through her and around her -- until almost the end. This was okay, but not my favorite read in this trilogy so far. :( 
  • As the month continued I totally went 180 degrees in my reading and picked up War by Sebastian Junger. This is a non-fiction read and not my usual choice of read during the holidays. However, again I was looking through my "to be read pile" and there it was... staring at me for the 100th time. I began skimming and couldn't stop reading. I already wrote a mini-review for this book, so I'm not going to go on about it. I'll just tell you that reading this book floored me and I do believe it is one of the reasons I couldn't continue to read anything else for while. The documentary really drove the whole thing home too. Great work! 
  • When I read War, I had already begun reading Sweetwood Bride by Pamela Morsi. I love this author, however, unfortunately this is not my favorite read by her. Eulie lies by saying she's pregnant and the community of Sweetwood, Tennessee forces Mosco to marry her. In fact, all they have shared is a sweet peck by the river. What Eulie really wants is to garner a secure future for her five siblings. Mosco has dreams! He dreams of going to Texas after he's done fulfilling his duties to his crippled uncle Jeptha, and a wife and children are not part of his plans. As much as I enjoy Morsi's writing, her deep character development and stories, I'm afraid that I just could not for the life of me get behind what Eulie did to Mosco. She forced him into a relationship and killed his dreams forever. I don't care if they fell in love, I just couldn't get past that initial feeling that Eulie was a selfish girl/woman. Even to the end I feel that Mosco wanted to get on that horse to ride west. 

So, that's it... those are the books I've completed in December so far. I have read a few short stories here and there from Christmas anthologies. I also began reading A Place Called Home by Jo Goodman and The Hunter by Theresa Meyer, but have not finished them. Hopefully this weekend!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Review: Playing Dirty by Susan Andersen

When high school golden boy Cade Gallari publicly revealed he’d slept with “fat girl” Ava Spencer to win a bet, he broke her heart. Now a decade older and a head-turner with her own concierge business, Ava isn’t the gullible dreamer she once was—and she plans to prove it when Cade, hotter than ever, breezes back into town with an offer she can’t refuse.

A documentary film producer, Cade is shooting a movie about the mysterious mansion Ava inherited. And he wants her as his personal concierge. She’s certainly professional enough to be at his beck and call without giving him everything he wants. Like another shot at having her in his bed. But Ava doesn’t count on Cade’s determination. Because he’s never gotten over her. And he’s not above playing dirty to score a second chance at a red-hot future…
Playing Dirty by Susan Andersen! What an enjoyable contemporary read this one turned out to be... at least for me.

It all begins with one of those dreaded scenes that can only take place in high school between the gorgeous jock and the unpopular "fat girl." I cringed when Ava first began relating her happiness over having slept with hunky Cade. I knew a painful moment was in the offing, and sure enough it hits her like a two-ton truck as she walks into the school cafeteria and finds out that what she thought was a relationship on the making was the result of a bet. Poor Ava! The humiliation! She gave back as good as she got but was devastated in the process.

Thirteen years later and pounds lighter, Ava is a successful businesswoman and part owner of a mansion she and her two friends inherited, and Cade is a well-known, up and coming independent documentary film maker working in Los Angeles. Cade contacts Ava hoping that she will agree to allow him to film a docudrama based on the Wolcott's mystery in the mansion, and to act as the film crew's personal concierge. Although Ava doesn't want to be anywhere near Cade, the jerkwad, he proposes such a sweet deal that she agrees.

Why did I enjoy this book so much? The characters. Both Cade and Ava are likable grownups with vulnerabilities and flaws. Cade was a jerk to Ava when they were teenagers, there's no question about it, but he's not a jerk as an adult. It is clear from the beginning that betraying Ava to his friends and losing her affected him. He knew what he did was wrong and throughout the years attempted to apologize to her without success. I love the fact that to him Ava had always been gorgeous, and that he not only wants her bodacious body but also her joy and laughter in his life. Plus, Cade apologizes prettily and sincerely.

Ava, well... nobody can blame her for not trusting Cade. That's the real conflict in this romance. Ava loved and trusted Cade once, as only a teenager can love, and he betrayed and humiliated her in such a way that deeply traumatized her. That trauma combined with the way Ava's mother nags her about her weight even though she's now a gorgeous and healthy size twelve, makes her less than self-assured once she faces Cade again. The fact that she still burns for Cade is humiliating enough, but when she begins to actually like him? Well!!

Ava is not a character that I would say is defined by her insecurities, though. She is a beautiful, strong, successful woman with a joyful and beautiful personality. She is liked and loved and she knows it. However, seeing Cade again does bring back those painful insecurities here and there. It's a realistic look at a woman whose body doesn't conform to what's considered the acceptable "look" and every so often glimpses the "fat girl" in the mirror. Hmm... if she could only see herself through Cade's eyes.

I liked the fact that both Ava and Cade are portrayed as strong, successful characters who are not perfect. They are equal in that respect so that the characterization is well-balanced. They both suffer insecurities: she with her weight and he with his belief that he's not lovable enough. One of the sweetest things about this story is the fact that they knew each other since they were small children and those memories are made a part of the yearning that Cade always felt for Ava. I loved the way Andersen showed how differently each character viewed the other, as opposed to how they viewed themselves.

The one weakness is a side story line involving a theft in the mansion that really detracts from the rest of this enjoyable romance and interrupts the flow. The rest of the secondary characters make a good contribution to the story without taking the focus away from the main couple. I especially like the way the friendship between Ava, Poppy and Jane is depicted in this book.

Overall I really enjoyed Playing Dirty by Susan Andersen. I loved the characters, the romance, and the friendships. And for all of you out there who are always looking for this type of story, here's a female protagonist who is smart, successful, a size twelve with gorgeous curves and gets the jock and her happily ever after. A great story.

Category: Contemporary Romance
Series: Sisterhood Diaries
Publisher/Release Date: HQN Books/July 26, 2011 - Kindle Edition
Grade: B+

Visit Susan Andersen here.

Sisterhood Diaries Series:
Cutting Loose, Book 1
Bending the Rules, Book 2
Playing Dirty, Book 3

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Review: Burning Up by Susan Andersen

Though it's been years since the infamous Macy O'James stepped foot in Sugarville, Washington, everyone remembers what she supposedly did. The tiny town is still buzzing about her crime and lack of punishment.

Now back to lend her family a hand, Macy vows to hold her head high—especially at her high school reunion. But forget about the hottest man in Sugarville escorting her. Though she and fire chief Gabriel Donovan generate enough sparks to burn down the town, he's a law-abiding, line-toeing straight arrow. So not her type.

But maybe—just maybe—he can change her mind about that.
I'm going to begin by saying that my first reaction when I flipped that last page to Susan Andersen's latest contemporary romance Burning Up was "that was such a fun book!"

Macy O'James is returning to Sugarville, Washington to temporarily care for her cousin Janna. She left town right after graduation and made a success of her life as a music video star. Unfortunately, although she considers Sugarville her home, there won't be a welcome mat for Macy. A gorgeous woman with a body and face that make men drool, she was the victim of nasty rumors back in High School that began when she rejected a popular jock. But our Macy doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve and instead of shying away she dressed up to kill, rubbed her assets on everyone's faces, and let them all talk and wonder. That's our Macy! Of course there was also the car accident where three jocks were hurt... and Macy was the one behind the wheel of the car that hit them.

The situations presented in the plot are not necessarily new and some of the characters have a familiar feel to them at times, however it's all in the execution and Andersen definitely does that well in this novel. Macy is one of those characters, except that with Macy what you first see is not necessarily what you get. As Macy returns to town years later, she seems to be the same old girl, rubbing everyone the wrong way and flaunting her looks around the insular little town of Sugarville, the more bizarre her outfits the better. Andersen then proceeds to develop this character's public persona, as well as the real, vulnerable Macy as seen only by her family and close friends.

When Macy first drives into town, the first person she meets is the new fire chief, Gabriel Donovan and by the look in his eyes, she can tell exactly what he's thinking... "here's trouble." Gabriel is definitely attracted to Macy, but she's right... he immediately places her in the category of a "party girl" and decides to stay away from her. He's the type of man who's done sowing his wild oats, making mistakes and is ready to settle down with a nice, sweet woman. Gabriel is an uptight, stick-in-the mud who makes assumptions at-a-glance about Macy based on her looks and initially treats her accordingly.

And the fun begins! The best part of this book for me was reading how Macy drives Gabriel crazy and then how he goes from being uptight and reluctant, to a desperate, hot, steamy sexy man. The dialogue between the central characters is excellent and it's what made Burning Up a fun contemporary romance. Andersen uses sexual tension as a build up to the steamy sexual scenes that top it all off.

There is a secondary romance that was developed rather too quickly and although it provided some fun moments, I'm afraid it didn't quite hold my attention. Gabriel does get to show off his skills as a fire chief during an arson investigation and I thought that part of the storyline fit well with the rest. The secondary characters were a wonderful addition to the story, especially Sheriff Johnny and Macy's cousin Janna.

Burning Up is a well developed, hot and steamy, fun contemporary romance with a female protagonist I truly liked. Set in a small town, with judging and preconceived ideas that are shattered, some old plotting devices cleverly used by the author and great secondary characters, this is a book I really enjoyed.

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Series: None
Released: August 31, 2010
Source: Requested from NetGalley
Grade: Solid B

Visit Susan Andersen here.

Friday, July 30, 2010

New August 2010 Releases I Can't Wait to Read!

Well, this has been one hot summer, the temperatures have been scorching and the hot new releases just keep coming. In July, I chose six new releases I couldn't wait to read and thankfully most of them were great reads! I did miss highlighting two must reads for me last month, Lady Isabella's Scandalous Marriage by Jennifer Ashley and A Kiss at Midnight by Eloisa James, both historical romances.

In August, there are six new releases I'm looking forward to reading. I've already read and enjoyed one of them, Sureblood by Susan Grant, a sci-fi romance, so that leaves five. Here are the summaries and release dates for all of them:

Sureblood by Susan Grant
Release Date: August 1, 2010

 (Review here)
Five years ago rival space pirate captains Val Blue and Dake Sureblood stole one incredible night together. But their brief, passionate history ended with the assassination of Val's father and the condemnation of Dake's clan. Now Val struggles to prove her mettle—to herself and to the dissenters amid her own people. Every successful raid is a boot heel ground into the burning memory of Dake Sureblood—and their secret son is a constant reminder of their shared past….

Ambushed and captured before he can clear his name, Dake Sureblood returns from a hell like no other to expose the true killer of Val's father. But as the identity of their enemy becomes chillingly clear, the former lovers must put aside their mistrust and join forces to protect their clans and their precious son.

Burning Up Anthology
Release Date: August 3, 2010

Bring these four authors together and it's sure to ignite a spark...

Angela Knight pairs a vampire warrior and his seductive captor in a battle against demonic predators.

Nalini Singh returns to the world of her Psy-Changeling series as a woman in lethal danger finds an unlikely protector-and lover.

Virginia Kantra continues the haunting tales of the Children of the Sea in her story of a wounded soldier rescued by an enigmatic young woman.

Meljean Brook launches a bold new steampunk series about a woman who strikes a provocative-and terrifying-bargain for freedom.

Lord of the White Hell by Ginn Hale
Release Date: August 15, 2010

Kiram Kir-Zaki may be considered a mechanist prodigy among his own people, but when he becomes the first Haldiim ever admitted to the prestigious Sagrada Academy, he is thrown into a world where power, superstition and swordplay outweigh even the most scholarly of achievements.

But when the intimidation from his Cadeleonian classmates turns bloody, Kiram unexpectedly finds himself befriended by Javier Tornesal, the leader of a group of cardsharps, duelists and lotharios who call themselves Hellions.

However Javier is a dangerous friend to have. Wielder of the White Hell and sole heir of a Dukedom, he is surrounded by rumors of forbidden seductions, murder and damnation. His enemies are many and any one of his secrets could not only end his life but Kiram's as well.

Demon from the Dark (Immortals After Dark Series,#8)by Kresley Cole
Release Date: August 24, 2010

Malkom Slaine: tormented by his sordid past and racked by vampiric hungers, he’s pushed to the brink by the green-eyed beauty under his guard.

Carrow Graie: hiding her own sorrows, she lives only for the next party or prank. Until she meets a tortured warrior worth saving.

In order for Malkom and Carrow to survive, he must unleash both the demon and vampire inside him. When Malkom becomes the nightmare his own people feared, will he lose the woman he craves body and soul?

Sin Undone (Demonica Series, #5) by Larissa Ione
Release Date: August 24, 2010

As the only female Seminus demon ever born, master assassin Sinead Donnelly is used to being treated like an outcast. She spent decades enslaved, and now vows she'll die before she'll relinquish her freedom again. Then Sin's innate ability to kill her enemies goes awry: She creates a lethal new werewolf virus that sparks a firestorm of panic and violence.

Half-werewolf, half-vampire Conall Dearghul is charged with bringing in Sin to face punishment for the plague. And she's no stranger: He's bound to her by blood, and the one sexual encounter they shared has left him hungering for her raw sensuality. Worse, Sin is the underworld's most wanted and Con soon learns he's the only one who can help her . . . and that saving her life might mean sacrificing his own.

Burning Up by Susan Andersen
Release Date: August 31, 2010

Though it's been years since the infamous Macy O'James stepped foot in Sugarville, Washington, everyone remembers what she supposedly did. The tiny town is still buzzing about her crime and lack of punishment.

Now back to lend her family a hand, Macy vows to hold her head high—especially at her high school reunion. But forget about the hottest man in Sugarville escorting her. Though she and fire chief Gabriel Donovan generate enough sparks to burn down the town, he's a law-abiding, line-toeing straight arrow. So not her type.

But maybe—just maybe—he can change her mind about that.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Review: Head Over Heels by Susan Andersen

Who said, "you can't go home again?" In Veronica Davis' case, who'd want to -- especially when you hail from Fossil, Washington. But now she's back among the good-ol' boys who think she's fair game just because she's in a waitress uniform.

The truth is, Veronica's the boss -- at least until she can sell the family saloon and skip town again as fast as her feet can carry her and nobody knows that better than Cooper Blackstock. From behind the bar, the ex-Special Forces Marine sees all. And his undercover agenda has made the feisty boss-lady's troubles his own.

And her troubles are considerable, what with a family in turmoil, a pseudo-bartender with dangerous secrets, a murder investigation, and death threats. Though the town surprisingly rallies in support, it's still a good thing that Cooper will be there to catch Veronica if she stumbles -- if he doesn't start falling himself.
This is the second book by Susan Andersen I read and the better of the two by far. I'm not quite sure why I looked it up, especially since my first experience with an Andersen book was not a total success. I certainly didn't choose it because of the cover... but the blurb caught my attention and I decided to give it a chance. 

Veronica (Ronnie) and Cooper are both in Fossil, Washington for the same reason -- Ronnie's sister Crystal was murdered and her husband Eddie, who is on the run, is the suspect. Ronnie's return to town a few weeks after the funeral to see to her sister's business and to take care of her niece Lizzy is necessary, but something she's dreading for more than the obvious reasons. The truth is that Veronica left Fossil and didn't have any intentions of ever returning. She has a chip on her shoulders about working in the family saloon and the last thing she wants to do is set foot in the "Tonk" again. 

Cooper was hired to be the new bartender and manager of the Tonk by Marissa, Ronnie's childhood friend. He has his own secret reasons for being in Fossil and he's not about to let Veronica or his emerging feelings for her get on his way. Cooper is now renting a room at Crystal's home where Ronnie will be staying with her niece while in town. This set up throws them together and the stage is set for the romance and the nightly romps to begin.

This couple seemed to be big on making assumptions about each other. Early in the book Cooper assumed that Ronnie was just as trashy and easy as her sister, and I was glad that he got over those assumptions quickly. Ronnie on the other hand was big on judging Cooper by his looks and his job as the manager of the saloon... frankly, that went on for a bit too long. She seemed to see only what she wanted to see. Our heroine was not big on paying attention to detail. They both carried a lot of baggage from their childhood that needed to be resolved and turned out to be the biggest conflict between them. Neither seemed able to let go of pre-conceived ideas or old hurts. 

As secondary characters go, Marissa is the one worth mentioning and the best developed. She has her own romance going on in this book and as a widow with two children, some unique romantic problems. Although this story arc was interesting, it didn't really add to the central story. However, Marissa and Ronnie had that wonderful relationship and dialogue between best friends that can enrich a book. I loved the interaction between them and in that respect Marissa's character was a great addition.   

The murder plot was really kept in the background and it was not the focus here -- the romance was central. The resolution to the murder was used more as a device to reach that happily ever after. 

Head Over Heels had some excellent snappy dialogue I found very entertaining. Ronnie gave as good as she got and Cooper was no slouch either. As a couple, they had chemistry and I liked them together. This is really what kept me reading and the fast pace made it a quick read. Overall I found Head Over Heels to be a good read with a likable couple who worked for their happily ever after by getting to know each other in more ways than one. 

ETA: Sorry, this part was cut off the original post.

This book is part of a series:
Head Over Heels (Marine, Book 1)
Getting Lucky (Marine, Book 2)
Hot & Bothered (Marine, Book 3)
Coming Undone (Marine, Book 4)

You can visit the author here.