Saturday, May 1, 2010

April 2010 Reads, Blogging Woes & Favorites

April was a  crazy month for me. The personal upheaval and responsibilities continued and I seesawed in my reading and blogging. I read more than expected, but chose a few books with a short format when I didn't have the time for more. I was happy that throughout all the turmoil, I met my monthly challenges and was able to review a few books from this month's list, that in itself was a miracle. :D

I won't be including any Mini-Impressions with my list this month -- too many reads and my list is waaay too long for that -- last month my list turned into a saga, lol! Instead, I'll follow with a few mini-impressions later.

I've had some blogger woes too. I don't know if my template is corrupted or what's happening, but for some reason some of my edits, deletions, and in some cases even half the posts are not being saved! I've given up on some posts out of frustration, and noticed that my edits and changes did not "take" after my reviews are up. Frustrating! I'll be looking into that this month and hope to find a solution.

Okay, here's my list for April.

1) High Noon by Nora Roberts: B-
Upcoming Mini

2) Love Under Siege (Brothers in Arms, Book 2) by Samantha Kane: C
Upcoming Minis for the series

3) Love's Strategy (Brothers in Arms, Book 3) by Samantha Kane: C-

4) Retreat from Love (Brothers in Arms, Book 5) by Samantha Kane: B

5) Moonstruck by Susan Grant: B
Upcoming Mini

6 -8) Three Sisters Island Trilogy by Nora Roberts: C
  Dance Upon the Air, Heaven and Earth, Face the Fire (Re-reads)

9) Take on Me by Sarah Mayberry: B
Upcoming Mini

10) Her Colorado Man by Cheryl St. John: B+

11) By the Mountain Bound by Elizabeth Bear: B

12) Demon Forged by Meljean Brook: B+
Upcoming Mini-Review

13) Fatal Shadows (Adrien English Mysteries, Book 1) by Josh Lanyon: B

14) A Dangerous Thing (Adrien English Mysteries, Book 2) by Josh Lanyon: B+
Upcoming Review

15) The Moonlight Mistress by Victoria Janssen: B+

16) Stroke of Midnight (Hellcop PsyCop short story) by Jordan Castillo Price: C+

17) Thaw (Hellcop PsyCop short story) by Jordan Castillo Price: C+

18) Kindred Spirits (short story) by Jordan Castillo Price: B-

19) Savor the Moment (The Bride Quartet, Book 3) by Nora Roberts: B/B+
Upcoming Review

20) Rapture in Death (In-Death Series, Book 4) by J.D. Robb: B

Although I read 6 books by Nora Roberts (a lot even for me), and there are a few B+ reads on my list this month, I did have some favorites. I'm really excited about Josh Lanyon's Adrien English Mystery series and can't wait to continue reading it. Meljean Brook's Guardian series just gets better; by reading Demon Forged I'm now all caught up and will have to wait for the new release in June. And going back to Nora Roberts, Savor the Moment was not a disappointment and a good way to end the month. :D

So, how was your April? Did you read any especially good books? Anything you would like to recommend?


  1. Hey Hils! Nice list :) I would really recommend Shades of Grey by Brooke McKinley and Keeping Promise Rock by Amy Lane... really touching and lovely books.

    Finally read Wicked Gentlemen by Ginn Hale and what a beautifully written book. Loved it.

    I'm reading Savor the Moment now... I'll look forward to your review :)

  2. What a productive reading month for you despite the crazy month you had.

    I'm looking forward to your mini for Moonstruck. I've wanted to read that series for so long.

    Of course, I'm looking forward to your thoughts on Savor the Moment, too! Glad to see your positive grade! My library *just* got it in late this week and it looks like I may be first on the list as soon as they process the book. I'm hoping to get a call this week! :)

    And you read Demon Forged!!!! Oh man, I'm so upset that I've fallen behind in this series. Gah! I gotta remedy that.

    I read 8 books in April... which is my minimum goal, so I'm happy about that.... but sure wish I read faster so I could read more!

  3. Hey Mariana! Thanks for the recommendations, I'll look them up. :)

    OH Wicked Gentlemen, I'm so glad you read it and loved it! Hey, she's coming out with a new book in August, Lord of the White Hell: Book 1. I can't wait to get that one. :D I hope you're enjoying Savor the Moment. :)

    Hi Christine! I read through late nights & while playing nurse in bits and pieces, but I read, it kept me going. :)
    I hope you get Savor the Moment soon! I think you'll like it. Oh, and Demon Forged, LOLOL! I was going to wait to read it until just before the new release but couldn't help myself, I am SO hooked! And Christine, 8 books is great, you are reading and it's not always the quantity but the quality. :D

  4. Great list Hls. Looks like I need to read that Ginn Hale novel. I've read so many glowing reviews for it.

    I'm getting Savor the Moment on Tuesday. I'm really surprised at how excited I am to read it. :)

  5. Oh Leslie, definitely the Ginn Hale novel! I do think you would like that one. The second one is coming out this year, so you might read it in time for the sequel.

    I hope you enjoy Savor the Moment. :D

  6. Hey Hils, I like the new layout!

    April was a good month for me. I think we read same number of books this month. *high five*

    Oooh, I see you read High Noon. I enjoyed the book despite some of the reviews I've read. And, yes, Savor the Moment got a B/B+....can't wait to read your thoughts on that one! I like Laurel and Del's story.

    I read quite a number of good books in April. Two books I would recommend are: Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep and Butterfly Tatto by Deidre Knight. Check them out if you haven't read them. :)

  7. Thanks Tabitha. My old template was corrupted, it was driving me batty, and I found an easy way to change it. Hope this one works out, I really hate having to change around, lol!

    I finally read High Noon! Took me a long time to get that one... I'm glad you enjoyed Savor the Moment too. :)

    I'm definitely interested in reading Spider's Bite... thanks for the recommendation!

  8. I hope your family and personal stuff will calm down, Hils! At least, you got some good news :D

    Oh, you're going to read Spider's Bite? Yay!! I'm glad you enjoyed Savor the Moment :D and LOL, indeed, that's a lot of Nora Roberts!!

  9. Thank you, Nath!
    LOL, I totally OD'd on Nora last month. Yes, definitely Spider's Bite is on my TBB list... it sounds really good. :)


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