Showing posts with label Rough Riders Series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rough Riders Series. Show all posts

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Review: Rough, Raw, and Ready by Lorelei James

Torn between the love he has-and the love he's always wanted. A Rough Riders book. Chassie West Glanzer hasn't been a stranger to drama and tragedy. A year of wedded bliss to sexy-as-sin cowboy Trevor Glanzer has brought her the happiness and contentment she never thought she'd find, and mellowed Trevor's rodeo wanderlust.

Then Trevors old roping partner ambles up the driveway and Chassie's life changes drastically. Trevor never expected to see Edgard Mancuso again, after it became clear he couldn't be the man Edgard needed. Now Edgard is back from Brazil to sort out their tangled past, and Trevor is plagued with feelings he thought he'd buried over three years ago.

Although Trevor is hat-over-bootheels in love with his sweet, feisty wife, the sense his life is missing a piece has always gnawed at him. Chassie's shock that Edgard and Trevor were once lovers turns to fear of losing her husband. Or worse, fear that Trevor will stay with her only out of a sense of duty. Yet as the three of them spend time together, the sins of the past blur and fade, leaving raw emotion and unbridled passion. Passion that could heal-or cause irreparable damage to their future.
The story of Chassie, Trevor and Edgard is an excellent M/M/F by Lorelei James. All three characters in this book have been introduced in previous books. Trevor & Edgard were an integral part of the plot in Long Hard Ride, Book #1 Rough Rider series, and we know from that story the two of them had a long 2 1/2 year M/M relationship. Their relationship ended when Edgard could not deal with Trevor's bi-sexuality and lack of commitment to their relationship. At the end of that book, Edgard returned to his home in Brazil.

In the ensuing years, Trevor met and married Chassie West, a cousin to the McKades, and he loves her passionately. The book begins when Edgard returns from Brazil and shows up at Trevor and Chassie's ranch. Edgard needs to know if there is anything left of the love he and Trevor shared. However, Trevor has not been truthful with Chassie and Edgard comes as a shocking surprise to her. Trevor, Chassie and Edgard have some tough decisions to make.

I was pleasantly surprised in how well James captured the turmoil and emotions that these characters go through. All three of them go through many changes in this story, yet nothing seems rushed or left hanging. The plot is developed slowly and sure enough by the end of the book, these three people become a unit. Trevor works through his ambivalence, Chassie through her doubts and Edgard through his feelings of regret. There is no question in my mind at the end, that they are one happy threesome.

This is not easily accomplished in an M/M/F. I've read quite a few and usually the males, especially if (as in this case) they've had a previous relationship, seem to have the strongest attraction, while the female is usually kept on the periphery. She usually is attracted or attractive to one of the males, but not the other. I thought that's what was going to happen here, and for a while it did. However, by the end, Ms. James had skillfully made me believe in this threesome.

James did a very good job of balancing the emotions and the erotic in Rough, Raw, and Ready -- the erotic part of the book is hot, hot, hot - all of it -- the M/F, M/M and the M/M/F. But as much as I enjoyed all the sexual scenes in this book, where James is once again at her best, the development of the emotional relationship is what really kept me invested in the story. Another favorite in the Rough Rider series by Lorelei James, this installment convinced me to go on to read the next in line, Branded as Trouble, Book #6.

Rough Rider Series by Lorelei James:
Long Hard Ride, #1
Rode Hard, Put Up Wet #2
Cowgirl Up and Ride #3
Tied Up, Tied Down #4
Rough, Raw and Ready #5
Branded as Trouble #6
Shoulda Been a Cowboy #7
All Jacked Up #8

Visit the author here.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Review: Cowgirl Up and Ride by Lorelei James

"So, AJ you weren't pullin my leg last night?" She shook her head.

"You up for some fun and games?" Her mouth was so dry she just nodded. "Flattered as I am. Why me? You gotta know any one of the young guys in here would kill to have a shot at you."

AJ broke eye contact and scraped at the label on her beer bottle. Shoot. How was she supposed to answer that without giving herself away? Cord's rough hand curled over her wrist and he idly stroked her knuckles. Her stomach jumped again. She glanced up, overwhelmed by the lust in his eyes.

"Jesus. You have the sexiest mouth I've ever seen. I can't think beyond tastin that mole by the corner of your lips. Runnin my tongue over it. Kissin every inch of it on the way back to kissin every inch of your mouth."

Warning. Don't let him sweet-talk you until you get a chance to speak your piece. She blurted, "Do you wanna dance?"

"Not to this."

"Why not?"

"Because the first time I put my hands on you, I want you close. Real close. Close as we can get with our clothes on without getting kicked out for lewd behavior." The silence between them grew. AJ felt her confidence slipping. This was not the way she'd envisioned her night of seduction. Then take charge. She finished the beer and hopped off the barstool.

"I want your hands on me now, Cord."

Cowgirl Up and Ride is the story of Cord McKade and Amy Jo. AJ has been in love with Cord forever (since she was 5 years old, so she says), but he's 13 years older and sees her as too young -- I mean she used to be his son's babysitter for goodness sakes! Now she's 23 and decides it's time to go after what she wants, time to get noticed. Shy, wholesome AJ is no more. Cord is divorced and the single father of a little boy. He has become a bitter and lonely cowboy who doesn't have much to do with women. It's all his ex-wife's fault. She up and left him after their son was born for Seattle because she couldn't make it as a ranch wife in Wyoming. Now all he cares about is raising his son and running his family's ranch.

This book was quite good and actually a personal favorite in this series so far. I liked that unlike most of the other installments I've read, this was a one-on-one erotic romance. The main characters have known each other all their lives and although we know some of their back story from previous installments, they are further developed in this book. Even through all the enjoyable sexual encounters, the "rosy cheeks" and the cowboy/cowgirl rope games, AJ and Cord manage to have personal conversations and get to know each other.

The secondary characters who take part in Cowgirl Up and Ride, other MaKade's, are also developed and they contribute to this story -- they were not just thrown in there. We can also see the beginning of their individual stories taking shape, but don't take away from Cord and AJ as central characters.

However, this is Lorelei James and this IS an erotic romance, so I must tell you I found the erotic part of the book just as hot as in the other books -- I happen to like her style. Her tendency for light domination scenes is there, as is the inevitable menage, although in this case AJ and Cord are not involved.

Cowgirl Up and Ride managed to be both erotic and touching in some ways, plus peripherally it dealt with some serious subjects such as alcoholism, homosexuality, homophobia and the sad consequences. In its entirety, this book was definitely an enjoyable ride for me. (M/F, M/F/M)

Rough Rider Series by Lorelei James:
Long Hard Ride, #1
Rode Hard, Put Up Wet #2
Cowgirl Up and Ride #3
Tied Up, Tied Down #4
Rough, Raw and Ready #5
Branded as Trouble #6
Shoulda Been a Cowboy #7
All Jacked Up #8

You can visit the author & read excerpts for her books here.