Showing posts with label Ransom Canyon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ransom Canyon. Show all posts

Friday, November 27, 2015

Mini: Ransom Canyon (Ransom Canyon #1) by Jodi Thomas

Ransom Canyon by Jodi Thomas is one of the books I thoroughly enjoyed reading this past summer. It's a classic Jodi Thomas contemporary with multiple points of view and different story lines running parallel to each other. The setting is a small town, but it does not have the same small-town atmosphere found in her Harmony series. Instead, Ransom Canyon is a western contemporary series, with an emphasis on that western atmosphere.

The different story lines include a heartfelt and lovely romance between, what most readers would consider, a mature couple, while another thread follows a hardworking, college-bound young man and the beginning of a would-be romance with the sheriff's daughter. The sheriff's daughter has her own problems as separated parents face conflicts that affect their lives at home. Additionally, a quirky young ex-con passing through town finds himself beginning a new life at the town's senior citizens' trailer park. Conflicts arise involving all the characters, and a combination of old and modern western-style climax ties everything up.

The romance has its happy ending. However, the rest of the threads are left open-ended to be addressed in subsequent installments. I am particularly interested in Yancy, the young ex-con. He is quirky, cynical, knowledgeable about crime and street life, yet somehow totally inexperienced in what it takes to lead a "normal" life. I gave Ransom Canyon 4.5 stars, or a B+, at Goodreads, so this is a highly recommended read.

I would like to direct you to Nath's review of Ransom Canyon at Books, Books and More Books. Hers is a thorough review that makes some fine points about the romance and main characters. Please read it and enjoy!