Saturday, March 20, 2010

Review: Pleasure of a Dark Prince (Immortals After Dark Series, Book 9) by Kresley Cole

Lucia the Huntress: as mysterious as she is exquisite, she harbors secrets that threaten to destroy her—and those she loves.
Garreth MacRieve, Prince of the Lykae: the brutal Highland warrior who burns to finally claim this maddeningly sensual creature as his own.
From the shadows, Garreth has long watched over Lucia. Now, the only way to keep the proud huntress safe from harm is to convince her to accept him as her guardian. To do this, Garreth will ruthlessly exploit Lucia’s greatest weakness—her wanton desire for him. . . .
I was pleased to read Pleasure of a Dark Prince (Immortal After Dark Series, Book 9) by Kresley Cole. I enjoyed it. This is another paranormal series that I'm still enjoying, although some books in this series work better for me than others. I'm so glad Garreth and Lucia's story didn't let me down after waiting for it for so long. Garreth was such a wonderful werewolf character... not brooding or damaged like Lachlain and Bowen, he was fun! Lucia didn't stand a chance, lol! He was also tender and boy did he know how to persevere... not only because she was his mate, but because he learned to love her.

I thought it was interesting that in this story the dark chararacter, the character with the baggage, and I mean dark, drooling, and evil baggage, was Lucia. I liked that, and thought it made for a nice change. As a heroine, Lucia was brave and sexy, but more than a bit frustrating. I could understand her reluctance to trust, but after a while I thought it took her too long to do so. Through that lack of trust, she placed both herself and Garreth in danger and that poor judgment almost caused Garreth his life. However, I understood some of the reasons behind her hesitation and my frustrations with her character did not outweight the fact that I liked her.

The story is full of erotic, hot, sexually charged moments, and lots of sexual tension... and an adventure ala Tomb Raider/Raiders of the Lost Ark, taking place for the most part in the Amazon jungle. Lucia and Garreth's romance develops slowly on their journey up the Amazon river and that works -- they have some wonderful moments together.

Cole introduces some very interesting secondary characters in this installment and I wonder if she'll bring them back and how she'll work them into the storyarc. Cole did an excellent job of working the timeline of Pleasure of a Dark Prince into the overall story. The epilogue turned out to be the beginning of the next book and ended in one big cliffhanger.

Overall an enjoyable paranormal romance with lots of sexually charged moments and a couple with great chemistry, Pleasure of a Dark Prince is a great addition to this series. I do love the way Cole writes her werewolf characters. :)  I'll be reading Demon from the Dark, the upcoming installment in this series releasing August 31, 2010.

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Immortals After Dark Series, Book 9
Released: February 16, 2010
Grade: B+

Visit Kresley Cole here.


  1. I swear I've been waiting for this book since book 1 of the series! I can't wait to read it. Thanks for the great review.

  2. I failed to keep up with this series after book 5, but AHLNO still remains my favorite Paranormal Romance to date.

    Glad to read that the series is still going strong. I'll have to catch up with it in the future.

  3. What a relief to see the B+. I had a hard time with the last one, Kiss of a Demon King. Didn't review it but it would have been in the C range. And this one is back to the weres which I liked before. Thanks for the review Hils. :)

  4. I've heard a lot about this series, but I don't think I can face starting a new series, especially such a big one. I know, I'm a coward :(

  5. Oh no! I'm falling so far behind in this series! I think I have book 6 up next. At least I know I have something good to look forward to. This one sounds fun! :)

  6. I absolutely loved this review, this book and series sounds so good to read!!! I love the paranormal, because its a world so different from our own!!! I am completely drawn to this book!!! Thanks for the Review!!!

  7. Tracy, I've been waiting for this book too! Every time a new one was coming out I HOPED it was Garreth & Lucia's... so now FINALLY! I hope you enjoy it. :)

    Brie, A Hunger Like No Other is also my favorite. :) There's another one in this series that's ranks up there too for me. Cade & Holly's story, but I love Garreth & this is going to be a sentimental favorite for me.

    Leslie, hmm... yes Kiss... I think you'll like this one. *g* Some of the books in this series work better than others for me too. Let's hope the next one's a good one. :)

    Orannia, I can understand not wanting to commit to a long series. But if nothing else, I'll recommend you read the first book in the series. "A Hunger Like No Other" is a PNR book liked/loved by many. You might enjoy that one installment without having to read the rest. :)

    Christine, you have some other good ones in between too. Enjoy!

    Queen... this is a popular PNR series that's still working for me (not too many are these days). Have you read A Hunger Like No Other? First book in the series, if you haven't I think you might really enjoy it. :) This book was not a disappointment.

  8. Great review, Hils :D Quick question though, did you read the novella Untouchable in Deep Kiss in Winter? I think that one kind of ruined Pleasures of a Dark Prince for me :(

    I'm glad you enjoyed the book... and you're right, Garreth is the first "carefree" hero that we've seen in the series so far :D Very nice change :)

  9. Nath, I did read Untouchable. I had some of the same problems you seem to have with that short story. However, it didn't affect my enjoyment of this book at all -- as a matter of fact, I didn't think of it at all while reading this book, lol!

    Loved Garreth! His sense of humor, fun, his forgiving nature, passion, and his way of showing love for his "lass."


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