Although the volume of books I read in February is down, the books I did read (or finished reading) in February were good ones. There was not one disappointment in the whole bunch and that doesn't happen often.
There were three books that I began reading and did not finish. These are books that did not quite agree with my "mood" and that I will pick up later when I'm ready to read them, so they're back in my TBR: Blood and Iron by Elizabeth Bear, El Hombre que Amaba a los Perros by Leonardo Padura, and Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh.
I also spent a whole week reading nothing but John Donne poetry or essays and studies related to his works. I go through these cycles once in a while, lol!
Here's my recap:
Total New Books Read: 8
Contemporary: 4
Historical Romance: 2
Science Fiction: 1
Poetry: 1
Re-reads: 2 (1 HR, 1 UF)
1. The Perfect Family by Kathryn Shay: A
(Upcoming Review)
2. Empire by Xochiquetzal Candelaria: This poetry collection is part of the Camino del Sol: Latino and Latina Literary Series. I've mentioned this series before as one that I love and collect, and one that features quality writers and works by Latino and Latina writers. This collection of poetry is no exception. I loved the way Candelaria related the history of a family and deeply personal subjects in verse. Grade: A
3. Song of Seduction by Carrie Lofty: A-
(Upcoming Review)
4. Dust (Jacob's Ladder, Book 1) by Elizabeth Bear: This book! I became obsessed while reading Dust by Elizabeth Bear. This space opera is fascinating, full of gender bending characters, taboos and sci-fi details galore. I couldn't help but get the second book, Chill, and am reading it right now. I've already sent for the last book of the trilogy, Grail, which just released too and can't wait to find out how it all ends. Grade B++ (Upcoming Review)
5. Notorious Pleasures (Maiden Lane, Book 2) by Elizabeth Hoyt: Now, I really enjoyed the characterization in this book. Particularly the way Hoyt played with the main characters (Griffin and Hero) and made their dishonorable actions more than palatable to the reader. I also found quite a few contrasts and similarities to Wicked Intentions -- one of my favorite historical romances of 2010. This is a series that I'm definitely enjoying, and having read the excerpt for the next book (something I never do), I am now impatient to read it! Grade B+
6. Absolutely, Positively (Lucy Valentine, Book 3) by Heather Webber is the third book in a series I'm loving and one I think just gets better with every book! It's hard to explain what a wonderful character Lucy Valentine turned out to be after reading that first book. She is not your everyday PI. The stories have a little bit of everything: mystery, a bit of the paranormal, romance and that circle of friends and family that make Lucy's life complete. Absolutely, Positively is my favorite book in this series so far. I liked the mysteries, the romance development, and I most definitely loved the family and friends as secondary characters. The book was not perfect by any means, it's light and there were a few moments plot-wise that were a bit frustrating for me, but overall this was a highly enjoyable read. Grade B+
7. Simply Irresistible (Lucky Harbor, Book 1) by Jill Shalvis: B
(Upcoming Review)
8. Welcome to Harmony by Jodi Thomas: B-
(Upcoming Review)
9. Angel's Pawn (Guild Hunter, Prequel) by Nalini Singh (Re-read): I posted a "Retro Review" for this novella, however I also re-read it in February. As a re-read it worked for me the second time around just as well as it did the first time. It really made me want a whole book about Janvier and Ashwini again! I just love Ash as a female protagonist and can't help but be curious about her past history. Grade A
10. Lord of Scoundrels by Loretta Chase (Re-read)

1) The glove. ('nuff said)
2) Their first kiss in the rain -- lightning bolts and everything! Dain's knees wobbling while he's thinking:
"I've dreamed of you..."3) When he walks to a house where she's attending a party just to get a glimpse of her!
"I've wanted you in my arms since the moment I met you..."
"I need you..."
"Then what holds you here? he asked himself. What mighty force dragged you here, to gaze stupidly, like a moonstruck puppy, at a house, because she was in it? And what chains held you here, waiting for a glimpse of her?The above scenes are all from the first part of the book. However, from the second part I do love the way Jessica figures out and comes to understand Dain after their marriage, and how Dain finally figures out that (crazy, poor blind) Jessica thinks he's beautiful and loves him. I could keep going, but I'll stop here. :) Grade A
A touch. A kiss."
I just realized I only reviewed four out of the ten books read this month! I have a few reviews on the works, so hopefully those will be ready to post soon. So how was your February? What was your favorite book of the month?