Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Mini: Yours to Keep by Shannon Stacey

Hello! This gorgeous, hot summer is playing havoc with my blogging. I'm busy at work, reading, reading, reading, and well... slow blogging these past few weeks.

What am I reading? Well, I've read a few contemporary romances that worked for me and a couple that didn't, although this past week historical romances have been the preferred fare for me.

Yours to Keep by Shannon Stacey is one of those contemporary romances that really worked for me. The story of the Kowalski cousin, Sean who comes back from the service and is ambushed by Emma Shaw when he's asked to pose as her fiancee to reassure her grandmother that all is fine in her world. See, Emma lied to her grandmother by telling her that Sean's her fiancee... she even sent her photoshopped pictures of the two of them and has them spread out around the house! After thinking about it for a while Sean agrees, moves in with Emma while grandma visits from Florida and the rest is history.

This was just a plain fun, sexy contemporary romance. He thinks she's crazy... she thinks he's yummy... they have to sleep in the same bedroom, and drive each other nuts! She gives him a book with notes about herself that he calls a "manual," and he writes these wonderful little post-it notes that he leaves stuck on the bathroom mirror, telling her his likes and dislikes. These two rather stubborn, sexy people were meant for each other. Even with the rather improbable story line and the photoshopped pictures that initially creeped me out, I quickly fell in love with Sean, Emma and grandma Cat.

I really enjoyed the fact that Yours to Keep is a true contemporary focused on the main couple with excellent secondary characters that complement the romance. Grade B+


  1. *giggles*
    Oh, this sounds like a fun book, I'm going to add it to my list :D

    I like these type of stories, so I hope I like it.

  2. I'd forgotten about the photoshopped pictures. Is it any wonder he thought she was crazy? LOL

    Really love this series. Ms. Stacey has said there will be 3 more books next fall. Sean's brothers. WooHoo!

  3. Alex, lol! This really is a fun story. I think you might enjoy it. ;P

    Leslie those pictures! Yeah... I agreed with Sean for a while there about the crazy part too, lolol! I kept picturing these photoshopped pictures with the head slightly off or a hand in the wrong place... *g*

    I haven't read the other books in this series, but I do have the first book in my TBR... great news about Sean's brothers. Yay!

  4. Leslie and Tracy already convinced me to read this series. Now to just DO IT! Great review. I can't wait to read it myself. Sounds like perfect fun.

  5. Absolutely, Christine... read it! LOL! A fun, light, sexy romance read. I really enjoyed it all the way through.

  6. Photoshopped photos? Scary! It does sound like a rather improbably storyline, also sounds like quite a fun read :)

    Hope your summer calms down a little so you can have you down time :)

  7. I had spoken with several people about this book and all of them gave me the impression that it is a great read. Thanks for sharing your review and I, for one, am definitely on a mission to read this book.

  8. Orannia, this story is quite entertaining, creepy pictures and all. LOL!

    Dr J, it was also a great read for me. :D I hope you get the chance to read it. I'm hoping to catch up and read at least the first book in the series soon.

  9. Hey Hils!! Sorry I haven't commented on your blog lately!! This hot summer is also playing havoc on my blogging LOL.

    I've been going through a historical and contemporary romance phase as well. LOL, it'd be fun to see what books in common we've read!! :)

    I'm glad you enjoyed Yours to Keep. I gave it the same grade :) I just wanted a bit more out of it, a bit more omphf you know... cos while Ms Stacey's writing is really good, it doesn't reach me :( But yeah, true and good contemporary and I liked how the grandmother knew :)

  10. Hey Nath! I understand, it's so hot here that it's tough to think, let alone sit in front of a computer for too long. :D

    I think we have been reading some of the same books. ;P Let's see how we compare.

    RE: Yours to Keep. I loved the fun, light feel of the story and the romance, as well as the family atmosphere. Loved Cat. However, it wasn't an A read for me in the contemporary romance category either. I like the way you phrased that a bit "more omphf".... hmm... with that it would have made it to the top for me.

  11. Nod nod. I know what you mean. When I reviewed it, I couldn't come up with any issues or flaws with this book and yet, it didn't feel like A material, you know ^_^;

    And LOL, I do think we've been reading pretty much the same books. Except you've been reviewing... I haven't ^_^;


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