Sunday, January 23, 2011

2011: In-Death Challenge

It's that time of the year again where we announce Challenges joined for the new year. Well, a little late for me, since it's almost the end of the month, but better late than never, right?

There are many wonderful challenges out there this year that I wanted to join (the TBR Challenge!). Unfortunately, due to my limited time, I've decided to keep my participation down to the already announced 2011 Book Club: The Women of Fantasy and the following monthly challenge.

This is a Challenge that I began in 2010 and I will continue in 2011. The In-Death Challenge is hosted by Christine of The happily ever after... and it's one where new readers begin and continue with this wonderful series, or fans can re-read along or just pick up the new releases and join in. It's fun!

Last year, I read the first 7 books in the series and am hoping to read at least 12 in 2011. I already have a page where I keep a list of books read with links to reviews, and will continue to use it. You can read the details for this challenge and follow my progress here.


  1. Thank you, Orannia. I hope to do better this year. :D

  2. So glad you're continuing with me. I love the company on this very long journey to catch up to Nora. LOL!

  3. Christine, I'm looking forward to this. I'm beginning the challenge in February since my January was so crazy. But, I'm definitely going to go for it this year! I'll keep you company. :D


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