Saturday, May 30, 2009

On Awards and Friends

What an introduction! Just started getting comfortable in my little place, have not finished moving in yet, and here I am being awarded a.... Little CJ? And I thought Leslie was my friend, too! 

Woke up this morning, went to check my favorite blogs, and there it was... I must find someone whose blog, I really, really like to pass this wonderful... ahhh... Award to. 

Thank you, Leslie and of course CJ for gifting us with the Little one. I am truly honored.

Leslie has a wonderful picture of a screaming child on her blog, but when I saw the announcement this was my reaction -- I thought it was appropriate. 

A mutual friend of ours, joanna, who has a wicked sense of humor, titled this picture "The Angst that Wouldn't Die!!!" (Thank you, joanna) That's how I felt when I saw my name and my mind went blank. I figure EVERYBODY has a Little CJ by now and I'm going to get skewered, right? 

After much thought, (and research) I decided to share this moment with two people whose blogs I visit regularly and haven't received their awards yet. Of course this must be remedied immediately. They both use the word "addict or addiction" and "book" as part of their titles, so definitely places I would look up. 

Renee's Book Addiction, a lovely site. Renee and I seem to share our love for the varied within the genre. It's a place I love to visit and just enjoy. So, since we seem to be passing this...ahhh... lovely Award to people we like (isn't that right, Leslie?), Renee gets my vote.

Dani from Confessions of a Romance Book Addict just had a birthday in May.  What a great birthday present! Dani is definitely a book addict and we have that in common. So enjoy your present? 

Okay, now I can breath... no voodoo dolls or intense pain for me.  Oh, Renee and Dani? I do suggest you both read CJ's rules for this award or you might be in great peril.  


  1. Thank you?

    No, really, I so appreciate it, and love your wide range of reading (I must read some of your back posts, it appears!)

    Now I must go and choose the next victim . . . um, I mean, awardee. ;-)

  2. So glad you're accepting the Award, Renee! Thank you.

    Not too many backposts yet... just moved in and I'm still getting my bearings. :)

  3. Hilcia,
    Thanks for giving out my lovely award to two deserving blogs! You are a nice person!!! I will not make a voodoo doll of you.

  4. Hey Hilcia!
    Nice new blog - hey I tried to post this on my sidebar, but I can't get a feed. Is there another address I should use?
    (you can email me at

  5. Brie -- I picked 2 favorites :)

    Little CJ, thank YOU for giving me a pass on this. I'm definitely not into pain (well not personally).

    Carolyn, I'll e-mail you. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  6. What are friends for if not to share the pain, er... joy?


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