Sunday, December 30, 2012

Joining: TBR Challenge 2013

Joining again, the TBR Challenge 2013 hosted by Wendy from The Misadventures of Super Librarian! I had such a great time digging through my TBR (to be read) pile of books in 2012 that there's no way I won't join in 2013. Plus my dear friends, I accumulated more books that now 'must' be read in 2013! What better way to get to them?

Wendy makes it easy to join and participate. Dig out one book per month from your TBR pile, read and review it on the date assigned. If you don't have a blog and don't want to review it, you can just leave a comment on Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, anywhere online, and leave a link on Wendy's blog. It's that easy. Wendy makes it even easier by assigning themes per month in case we, the participants, can't decide what to read! But what I really love is that the themes are not written in stone and if a particular genre or book is calling... we can read that too.

Here are Wendy's schedule and the theme list for 2013:

January 16 - We Love Short Shorts! (Short stories, Novellas, category romance)
February 20 - Recommended Read (something recommended by a fellow reader)
March 20 - Series Catch-Up (pick a book from a series you're behind on)
April 17 - New-To-You Author
May 15 - More Than One (An author who has more than one book in your TBR pile).
June 19 - Lovely RITA (RWA RITA nominees OR winners)
July 17 - The Classics (Something classic within the romance genre - an author, a specific book, a trope/theme - I'm open to wide interpretations here!)
August 21 - Steamy reads (Erotic romance, erotica, something spicy!)
September 18 - Western (Contemporary or historical)
October 16 - Paranormal or romantic suspense
November 20 - All About The Hype (a book that created such chatter that it was inescapable).
December 18 - Holiday themes (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, it's all good!)

Thanks Wendy for hosting the TBR Challenge again in 2013!


  1. All the best with the challenge - I look forward to seeing what you read :)

    1. OOPS! Forgot to mention that I've joined two challenges...which I'm hosting :) An m/m challenge, since that's what I'm reading ATM and a Big Book Challenge, since I didn't end up reading the big book I wanted to this year :)

    2. Orannia, thank you! And, good luck with both the M/M Romance Challenge and the Big Book Challenge! I've enjoyed participating in both and they are fun. :) I read lots of big books in 2012, but knowing myself? If I joined that Big Book Challenge I wouldn't find one to read. LOL!

    3. Glad you're doing the Big Book Challenge again this year, orannia! I'll pick something to read soon.

    4. @Hils - thank you :) And I so know what you mean about joining a challenge and suddenly not being able to find the book to complete it. That's why I like the sound of the TBR challenge as it isn't constraining :)

      @Christine - YAH! I always worry when I host a challenge that it will just be me, myself and I doing it :)

  2. Hi Hilcia!
    The challenge looks fun, but why are the exact days of posting already scheduled? Won't it put pressure on people? lol
    Have fun!

    1. S.: Two other readers hosted this challenge before me, and the assigned dates were something that carried over. I've stuck with them because I like the idea of having a set day every month to read everybody's commentary :) If you look at a calendar, you'll notice the assigned days are always the third Wednesday of the month.

      That said, I'm pretty flexible. I've had participants post days early, days later - there's no "prize" at the end of this challenge (reading is it's own reward, sayeth the librarian), so I'm pretty loosey-goosey with everything from dates to themes....

      Oh, and glad you are participating again Hils! I love to see repeat customers! LOL

    2. Sonia, I see Wendy answered your question about the schedule. Actually it kind of works for me? I know I have to read my book by a certain date and as a result, I've weeded out quite a few books from my TBR pile -- DNFs that otherwise would have stayed there forever! Plus, I love visiting all the other ladies who are participating in the Challenge on that date to see what they dug out from their pile of books. Thanks for wishing me luck... let's see if I can read the books I want next year. :)

      Wendy, thank you. I found such great books digging in that pile of mine for the 2012 Challenge and then read others as a bonus! Plus, I found some great recommendations. I'm looking forward to 2013. :)

    3. Well, I'd love to join, if possible, I sort of looked in my TBR list and some books might fit some months, but I wanted to meet the date requirement too and I think I wouldn't be able to because I might not be able to post exactly on that wednesday for some reason...
      I feel it would be like changing the rules if I didn't post the correct day but I would like to try the challenge, if not for the precise day of posting lol
      Sorry for the messy speech!

    4. Sonia, why not join? Click on the icon on my sidebar and ask Wendy! I'm sure that she will be more than glad to help you along with this. :) Besides, the idea is to read and review from your TBR, and you can post on the scheduled Wednesday if you can, and if you can't leave a comment on Wendy's blog and post your review before or after. :) Try it anyway! It will be fun!

    5. Hi!
      Well, I've left a comment in her blog asking if it's ok to post after if I can't on time...but I'll try to read a book by those themes will help for sure.

    6. Cook, Sonia! I'll look forward to your reviews. :)

  3. I'm doing this one in 2013, too, Hils. I managed to read all 12 TBR books following the theme in 2012 although I was late finishing two and never reviewed them. I commented about them on twitter, though, so I'm telling myself I completed the challenge. LOL.

    I'm glad Jan. is short stories or novellas. I can get one month under my belt with confidence. haha!

    Good luck TBRing in 2013!

    1. Christine, so glad you are joining too! And you did complete it if you commented on twitter. :) I'm just sorry I missed your commentary on The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook, (I was looking forward to your thoughts on that one). I'm also glad that Jan is a short read! I have lots to read for January AND February with the other two sci-fi non-challenges I joined for 2013.

      Good luck to you with this challenge in 2013!

  4. I joined the challenge when Wendy first posted it on her blog... but that was before my hiatus... and that means I've already missed the first entry, sigh ^_^; Maybe I can read two and make it up for next month...

    1. Good idea! Put up a twofer review post! I'll look forward to reading it. :D


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